Do you purposely leave your front door unlocked when you leave your house? Of course not. Just as safety and security is a priority to your household, so is the security of your data to your business. As technology continues to progress, data hacking and cyber fraud is becoming an alarming issue that plagues most businesses. Without the proper security system in place, your business would be left defenseless to those threats.

The modern network includes a combination of local servers, remote devices and cloud-hosted applications. If you use cloud-based platforms such as Office 365, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, you need to ensure that all of your critical applications and devices are available when needed and secure.

In order to keep your data available and secure against the threats in this new era of technology, a business must utilize a multi-tier approach including a nextgen firewall with advanced threat protection, a reliable back-up strategy, anti-virus, anti-spam protection, content filtering and an acceptable use policy for end users.


Trident has partnered with Barracuda Networks to provide a NextGen Firewall. Unlike traditional next-generation firewalls that are mainly designed to be deployed at the gateway in backhauled network environments; Barracuda NextGen Firewalls are designed from the ground up to enable direct access to cloud applications in dispersed networks where quality of service, network reliability, and secure connectivity are required at every single location.
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Barracuda NextGen Firewalls combine the full security feature set expected from a top-line next-gen firewall with uplink bonding, load balancing and traffic compression capabilities, and cloud access optimization from every branch office. Barracuda also provides a fully integrated central management, which is scalable from a few dozen to thousands of remote locations. This ensures security and compliance at every branch office and remote site without the need to backhaul traffic.


With Advanced Threat Protection available on the NextGen firewalls, suspicious or unknown files are executed in a sandbox environment prior to being forwarded to the user.
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In addition to the ability to determine if a file is benign or malicious, Barracuda NextGen Firewall customers also have access to full reports on every test executed, detailing the rationalization behind the file being regarded as malicious. Because the emulation is done in a sandbox environment in the Barracuda ATP cloud, no new hardware is needed. Advanced Threat Protection can easily be deployed across the corporate WAN network.

Data Backup

  • What happens if your server crashes?
  • What happens if a catastrophic event happens and your building is destroyed?
  • What happens if you are hit with ransomware?
  • Do you have a reliable backup strategy in place?
  • Do you have a reliable off-site backup available?
  • Do you have a backup that isn’t infected?

If you’re not comfortable with the answer to these questions, Trident can assist. We have experience and expertise to develop a strategy to reduce downtime and minimize data loss in the event one of these issues arise.


An acceptable use policy can apply to both organization-owned and employee owned devices. Often, employee owned devices connected to the internal network are the culprit introducing malicious software and viruses to your network.
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Without the proper protection in place, opening the wrong attachment while connected to your internal network can be devastating.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Organization-owned devices
  • What software can/can’t be installed?
  • Does your company permit BYOD (bring your own device)?
  • Are the users allowed to install/run company provided software?
  • Do you have access to remote-wipe company data in the event of a lost/stolen device or employee resignation/termination?
  • Are the devices encrypted?
  • What websites are allowed?
  • Are you enforcing password requirements and frequent changes to passwords?
  • Are the users running up to date and approved antivirus software?
  • Are the users allowed to save company data locally?
  • Do you have a list of approved devices and operating systems?

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2627 Leighton Ridge Dr.
Suite 100
Wake Forest, NC 27587

Lake Gaston Office
334 Wharton Circle
Suite B100
Littleton, NC 27850